Friday, September 3, 2010


I didn’t know what I would find peering into my next decade of life. Really, I never thought about the thirties much at all. I’ve heard many friends describe it as their best decade. But considered what it may be like for me? Oh no. I’m still 24, aren’t I?

The realization has just started to set in. My thirties. A whole new decade. I remember heralding in my 20’s at a little college bar in Scranton. I told everyone I was turning 21, never got carded, and people bought me shots all night. I probably can’t pull that off looking at 30. I’m struggling to accept that the above mentioned behavior may be socially unacceptable in the new decade. Really?? Streaking through vineyards is a thing of the past? No more benders and bar crawls? I’ve heard Buffett sing “A pirate looks at 40” then read about “A pirate looks at 50” but what about 30. Does that mean that it just shouldn’t be any kind of big deal then? Can I just live the 20’s for another 10?

When I look around, it’s starting to look like a pretty good deal. I’m amazed and awed by what I see my friends and acquaintances doing in this great decade of the 30’s. It feels like a modern day renaissance to me. I have friends running 5 k’s 10 k’s, half marathons. Knocking off p90x. Learning to Kayak. Losing gobs of weight. Writing beautiful pieces on their blogs. Remodeling homes. Starting businesses. Growing up? Is this the 30 that I’ve heard raves about but never explored? Am I ready for this ride?

I think I’m most surprised about my trepidation into my fourth decade because most of my friends are older than I am. I’ve seen them hit this mark. I’ve always thought they were young at this age. Why not grant myself the same favor? Do I enjoy being the “baby” of both my family and my friendships? Am I somehow hung up on youth and didn’t even know it? Perhaps I am realizing that it is time for my own rebirth.


  1. I enjoyed reading both of your blogs very much...Appreciate all your honesty and insightfulness.

  2. Very Carrie Bradshaw... very entertaining... keep writing!
